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The Firm is also involved in the legal due diligence of Companies on behalf of the Investors, Bankers, PE Firms, Venture Capital and Asset Reconstruction companies. The scope of this Due Diligence goes from:

  • RoC search to the compliance of the Company,
  • Review of the Statutory Books maintained by the Company
  • Secretarial records
  • Litigations involved in legal viability and bankability of the ongoing and prospective projects (the objective for which capital is raised)
  • Material contracts and related party transaction

After the review of all these, the Firm gives an independent and comprehensive Due Diligence Report on the basis of the examination of documents and review taking into consideration the scope and objective of the Due Diligence Exercise.

is having a dedicated team dealing with the due diligence of land. The Scope of work covered by the team is:

  • Title search of land and inspection of records before the registrar
  • RoC search, project evaluation, review of statutory and other approvals
  • Opinion on the legality and authenticity of Project documents
  • Due Diligence of security documents