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In recent years, in order to implement ‘Corporate Governance’ objectives and to prevent legal liability of top management, corporate houses have been striving to ensure higher levels of legal and regulatory compliances. The firm has been instrumental in conducting exhaustive legal and regulatory audits of companies. The scope of such audit includes compliance-review of statutes and regulations, including related corporate laws, labour and employment matters, factories and related Industrial laws, Environmental laws, Safety Laws and Regulations, land and security laws, , compliances under Various other Municipal and other Bye Laws etc.

The Firm has ventured into the field of Competition due diligence and compliance. Here we review the documents, transactions, agreements, mails and other communications to find out whether the Company is prone to or the documents suggest any violation of competition law.

The firm with the help of technical partner ,  develops  customised  an end to end Compliance Software to its client which provides “one click solution” of all kinds of compliance requirements of client  with the updating of the same .